Monday, December 21, 2015


5 tahun perjalanan INFINITY in short video.

Remember this!

Dari Member, Oleh Member, Untuk Member

Credited to: Henry Aryo (Video Creator/Editor)

Saturday, December 19, 2015


INFINITY berbagi kebahagiaan dalam merayakan ulang tahun ke-5 mengadakan event Infive-O (INFINITY Five Years Old) pada tanggal 19-20 Desember 2015

Event Infive-O diawali dengan nonton bareng bersama anak yatim setelah seremoni serah terima bakti sosial berupa sumbangan sembako, alat sekolah dan lainnya di panti asuhan.
Pada event Infive-O nonton bareng ini INFINITY reserved 1 studio 21 Supermall Karawaci.
Setelah nonton bareng dilanjutkan dengan makan siang bersama di Platinum Cafe Supermall Karawaci.
Setelah itu member yang sudah daftar Touring Infive-O akan bersama-sama konvoy ke Anyer.

Infive-O di koran berita komunitas

Berita event infive-O di media

Reserved 1 studio at XXI Supermall Karawaci.
Welcome for INFINITY member to join, YES IT IS FREE!
FREE POPCORN + JAVA TEA while watching Starwars!
FREE LUNCH at Platinum Cafe Supermall Karawaci. 

Rundown inFIVE-O

Day 1. 19 Des 2015
07.00-08.00 Seremonial BakSos di Panti Asuhan diwakilkan Team BakSos
08.30-11.00 Ngebolang dg anak yatim, Nobar
 Starwars di 21 Mall Karawaci
11.00-13.00 Lunch ultah INFINITY ke-5
13.00-16.00 Touring Anyer
16.00-16.30 Welcome drink + coffee break + pembagian kamar
16.30-18.00 Banana boat + permainan pantai (volley/futsal)
18.00-19.00 Refreshing/Mandi dll.
19.00-21.00 Jimbaran Set Dinner Seafood
21.00-23.00 Malam keakraban (Karaoke, Bilyard, dll)
23.00 tidur

Day 2. 20 Des 2015
07.00-08.00 Breakfast
08.00-11.00 Ice Breaking & Fun games
11.00-12.00 Refreshing and packing
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00 back to jkt.

Kumpulan foto-foto event infive-O (click)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Touring inFIVE-O (INFINITY Five Years Old)

This is the time for inFIVE-O
(INFINITY Five Years Old)
The Biggest Event of the Year 2015.

Touring inFIVE-O merupakan rangkaian lanjutan dari acara baksos dalam merayakan ultah INFINITY ke-5.

Date: 19-20 Des 2015
Terbatas hanya 50 orang termasuk kelurga

Join entry Rp. 250K/person, (kids below 5y.o Free).
MAX 2D+2A per ID.
Pls note: Family will be place in one room.

Reserve your spot for the following excitement:

  • ONLY Rp. 250K/person, real price for hotel accommodation & meals Rp. 650K/person, which mean each person get benefit more than Rp. 400K/person!
  • 3X meals including Jimbaran Set Seafood Dinner
  • Coffee break
  • Banana Boat
  • Karaoke & Pool Table
  • Lots Fun Games
  • Beach Volley Ball & Futsal
  • Free Ford merchandise
  • T-shirt inFIVE-O for each pax.
  • Main Door price: Oakley Sun Glasses

Cara Pandaftaran
1. Transfer biaya pendaftaran Rp. 250.000/orang ke Rek BCA # 4580401843 a/n Sani Harjono
2. Kirim email ke dg subject: Touring inFIVE-O dan dg isi sbb:
- no.ID keanggotaan [INFINITY]
- nama (sesuai yg terdaftar di INFINITY)
- jumlah orang (termasuk pendaftar)
- no.HP
- nominal biaya pendaftaran + bukti transfer

2D + 2A (diatas 5th)
Rp 1.000.000 (bukti tranfer terlampir)

Setelah di validasi, maka nama akan dimasukkan dalam listing di FB Group.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Peraturan Pengurus 2015-2016 No. 1/PP/Nov/15

Peraturan Pengurus 2015-2016 No. 1/PP/Nov/15
Perihal : Pemanfaatan dan Penggunaan Nomor ID Member

1. Nomor ID Member melekat pada nama member secara pribadi, bukan artinya istri, anak, ibu, bapak, adik, kakak atau anggota sekeluarga jadi member dengan nomor ID tersebut.
Nomor ID tersebut melekat pada diri member tersebut seumur hidup dan tidak dapat dipindah tangankan, baik pasif maupun aktif.

2. Yang berhak mendapat/memanfaatkan benefit sebagai member adalah "Pemilik ID".
Bila ada event/kegiatan yang memberikan benefit bagi member (gratis akomodasi/ makan/ doorprice dlsb), yang berhak mendaftar adalah pemilik ID.
Bila ada event tertentu diperbolehkan membawa keluarga maka si pemiliki ID berhak mendaftarkan "dirinya beserta keluarga sesuai syarat dan ketentuan event", TAPI tidak benar bila daftar event yang datang anggota keluarga (istri) + temannya, padahal si membernya  sendiri tidak datang.

3. Bila ada voting atau memberikan pendapat yang berkaitan dengan INFINITY, yang memiliki suara adalah pemilik ID (bukan  istri, anak, ibu, bapak, adik kakak atau keluarganya.)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Kevlar BrakePad for Fiesta

Solusi Brake Pad untuk Fiesta merk Kevlar made in Thailand

Kevlar brakepad mempunyai keunggulan:
1. Bahan ceramic carbon compound
2. Memperpendek jarak pengereman
3. Tidak merusak piringan cakram
4. Sensasi pengereman lebih baik
5. Stabil di suhu lebih tinggi
6. 100% free asbestos

Kevlar brakepad mempunyai 2 jenis, Kevlar Green dan Kevlar Red.
Kevlar Green sendiri diperuntukan untuk OEM replacement yg mempunyai kualitas tidak kalah dengan pabrikan, bahkan untuk mobil tertentu, kualitas pengereman lebih baik.

Kevlar Red sendiri diperuntukan untuk user yg ingin meningkatkan kualitas pengereman menjadi jauh lebih baik / performance brake.

Harga Retail Kevlar Brake Pad
Kevlar Green Rp. 360.000/set >> INFINITY Member Rp. 325.000
Kevlar Red Rp. 628.000/set >> INFINITY Member Rp. 550.000

Caution: Untuk hasil kinerja yang maksimal pastikan Disk Brake dalam kondisi baik.

Cara pembelian:
Pemesanan via email ke
dengan format sebagai berikut:
> Nama & No. ID
> Order & Jumlah
> Alamat lengkap
> No. Telp

Andrea i-555
Kevlar Green 1 set
Perumahan Nusa Indah Blok B-31, Jakarta 14230

Harga yg tertera adalah fixed price dan belum termasuk biaya kirim
Pengiriman aksesoris dilakukan via TIKI setiap sore hari Senin-Jumat
Pengurus divisi Merchandise [INFINITY] akan me-reply dg total biaya & no. rekening

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Penyebab A/C Bau

Apakah AC Fiesta kamu bau saat dinyalakan pertama kali?

Salah satu penyebab AC bau adalah Evaporator yang kotor karena penumpukan debu dan dingin lembab menyababkan jamur menumpuk dan menimbulkan bau tak sedap.

Kotoran debu yang menumpuk dapat di bersihkan dengan mencuci Evap AC, dikarenakan posisi Evap A/C Fiesta berada di bawah Head Unit menyabkan sulit terjangkau untuk dibersihkan. Salah satu cara adalah mencopot dashboard spt baru evap dapat dibersihkan spt foto2 dibawah ini.

Untuk menghindari penumpukan debu pada evaporator ac, disarankan menggunakan Filter AC yang tentunya jauh lebih murah dibandingkan biaya cuci evap dan resiko bongkar pasang dashboard.
Meskipun sudah menggunakan Filter AC, tetap bisa timbul bau tak sedap yang disebabkan oleh parfum mobil, jadi bijaklah menggunakan parfum mobil karena salah2 dapat menyebabkan jamur yang tumbuh pada filter AC. Dibawah ini adalah salah satu contoh Filter AC yang jamuran yg disebabkan oleh parfum mobil.

Untuk melihat apakah evap AC masih bersih atau tidak dapat ngintip dari kolong sisi sopir, gunakan foto dengan blitz. Contoh evap bersih yang foto spt dibawah ini:

Saturday, September 19, 2015

MAX-HID Premium Golden

Bosan dengan HID warna putih yg menyilaukan tapi ga terang apalagi saat hujan?
Sekarang ada opsi yg keren untuk lampu headlamp, MAX-HID Premium Golden light menghasilkan cahaya kuning keemasan, tembus hujan dan kabut.

Golden light melahap semua cahaya putih dengan jarak jelajah cahaya yang jauh memastikan visibility berkendara malam yang baik dalam kondisi hujan dan berkabut sekalipun.

Harga Retail Rp. 2.200.000
Khusus member INFINITY Rp. 1.800.000

Blm tmsk pasang, biaya pasang Rp. 100rb. (Perlu appointment)
Untuk permintaan kirim dilakukan via JNE (harga belum termasuk biaya kirim)
Bulb High-Quality Golden H7 (lampu dekat) /H11 (lampu foglamp) garansi 2th
Ballast slim digital garansi 1th

Pemesanan/pembelian dilakukan dg mengirimkan email ke
dengan format sebagai berikut:
> Nama & No. ID
> Order & Jumlah
> Alamat lengkap
> No. Telp

contoh: Andrea i-555
MAX-HID Premium Golden H7 1set
Perumahan Nusa Indah Blok B-31, Jakarta 14230

Pengurus divisi Merchandise [INFINITY] akan me-reply dg total biaya & no. rekening

Monday, September 14, 2015

Aki Replacement untuk Ford Fiesta

AKI Ford Fiesta pakai Kode Aki Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
Aki DIN banyak digunakan untuk mobil buatan Eropa.
Aki ini menggunakan kode 5 digit angka. Tapi yang perlu diperhatikan hanya 3 digit angka di depan.

Cara membacanya:
Angka I 5 menjadi 0
Angka I 6 menjadi 1
Angka I 7 menjadi 2

Contoh: Aki 54533
Angka I 5: menjadi angka 0
Angka II & III 45 = tetap angka 45
Kapasitas (daya) aki adalah 045 Ah = 45 Ah

Contoh lain: Aki 73530
Kapasitas aki adalah: 235 Ah.

Aki yang pernah di share member dan langsung bisa pakai tanpa ubah bracket aki: 
Aki U Plus 54323 (43Ah) persis sama dg OEM Fiesta 
Opsi lain:
Motolite Gold 55530 (55Ah)
Varta 55201 (52Ah)
Keduanya juga bisa plek langsung pakai tanpa ubah brackets aki.

Untuk alternatif lain dg code DIN juga dapat digunakan di Ford Fiesta tapi diperlukan perubahan bracket aki, spt:
GForce 55530
Massiv Ultra 55530
Yuasa 55530
Delkor 56219

Bila ingin pakai aki lebih besar lagi bisa sampai 70Ah tapi dinding tempat aki bgn depan perlu dibuka agar bisa masuk.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

PowerShift 6 Speed Operating Characteristics Background

In 2010, Ford launched an all new transmission, PowerShift, an advanced six-speed automatic transmission based on manual transmission technology with class-leading fuel efficiency. This communication will help explain the technology and common operating characteristics of this new transmission found on the Fiesta and Focus in order to improve customer expectations and
experiences. PowerShift is an advanced automatic transmission technology
The PowerShift is really like two 3-speed manual transmissions put together, with the dual clutch and shifting components controlled electronically. Since most of the components are derived from a manual transmission, the PowerShift transmission will drive, sound, and feel like a manual transmission but without the driver interaction.

Service Personnel Support
Since PowerShift Transmission is a new technology, some customers might not be familiar with the normal driving characteristics of this transmission. Service support personnel should be aware of the normal operating characteristics and be able to differentiate between normal characteristics and abnormal symptoms that require service. The following information will
assist with addressing certain potential customer concerns.

Common Characteristics of the PowerShift Transmission
Common Sounds a driver may notice are:
• Double clicking metal sounds. These noises can likely be heard while driving on very smooth surfaces during a 1-2 upshift or a 3-2-1coast down. The sounds occur with every gear engagement, but generally cannot be heard over the background engine, road and wind noises at higher speeds. Most noticeable if the windows are down and the radio is off, these sounds are of the shift forks moving and the synchronizers engaging a gear (similar to a manual transmission). These shifting sounds are part of normal operation.
• Coast down whine. A slight gear whine while slowing or coasting is normal
• Clicking sounds after the engine is turned off. As the vehicle is powered down, the
transmission will cycle the clutches to the released position so it is ready for a safe restart of the engine. This is part of normal operation. Clicking sounds from the
transmission immediately after the engine is turned off are normal.
• Low speed grinding. A slight grinding noise may be heard at about 2 MPH. This noise
is more evident during “trailer-hitching” events (see below). This noise is caused by a
normal bearing rotation and does not affect the durability of the transmission.
• Reverse gear whine. Some PowerShift transmissions will exhibit gear whine in reverse. The level of whine has been significantly reduced in later build vehicles, but can still be detected to some level. This is characteristic of many manual transmissions, and is not a defect or a situation in which a repair should be attempted

Trailer-hitching feel.
Some customers may experience a trailer-hitching feel (or a slight
bumping feel). The trailer-hitching feel may occur in lower forward gears – particularly if the customer is off and on the throttle quickly. It may be more noticeably in a parking lot or when a customer is doing multiple on/off throttle pedal maneuvers. This trailer-hitching/engagement feel is a normal characteristic of the dry clutch-equipped manual transmission design.
Conversely, conventional automatic transmissions are equipped with a torque converter. The torque converter is a fluid coupling device which dampens these positive engagements feels. Diagnostic tips to be used during service visit When evaluating a customer experience regarding this transmission, first compare to a like vehicle. The like vehicle should be at the same transmission fluid temperature as the customer’s vehicle. Sounds will change as the transmission oil changes temperature and viscosity. If the suspect sound is similar to a like transmission at the same temperature, then it is most likely a normal characteristic and no repair attempt should be made.

If the vehicle loses electrical power due to the removal of a power or ground battery cable, or the battery discharges, the transmission will perform an initial system status check upon power restore to verify shift motor position. This results in a series of mechanical noises for 10-30 seconds. The transmission will not engage and the vehicle will not move while this is
happening. This is normal after an electrical power loss to the transmission.

“Green” clutch break-in period
New, replacement, and reset clutches are “green” and require a break in period before shift event quality is maximized. During the break-in period, green clutches may exhibit:
• A rattle noise similar to a loose catalytic converter shield. This noise is commonly heard after light throttle 1-2, 2-3 or 3-4 upshifts. This rattle noise will diminish greatly as the clutch completes the break-in.
• A take-off shudder/launch judder (shaky vs. smooth).
• A harsh-shift feel during the first few cold shifts before the transmission reaches operating temperature.

All of the above conditions will diminish and the customer will notice progressively better launch and smoother shifting within the first few hundred miles of mixed driving as clutch break-in occurs. Note: The break-in process may take longer for highway driving, where the clutch is not shifting.
The transmission will automatically learn and make adaptations during shifting events, so it is important to evaluate after allowing sufficient driving time for adaptations to occur. This green clutch feel may reappear if the clutch touch points are reset and/or the clutch is removed and/or replaced. The condition may last longer for a clutch replacement than a reset. A reset may take up to 100 miles to get the new touch points learned to the point of not making
any of the out-of-adjustment noise. A clutch replacement may take up to 1000 miles to reach break-in dependent on the customer style of driving.
The break-in period can be minimized by performing the adaptive drive cycle exactly as described in the Workshop Manual, Section 307-11 (Fiesta) and 307-01 (Focus)

source: world wide web

Monday, August 24, 2015

Merdeka RUN 2015

Merayakan hari kemerdekaan Republik INDONESIA ke-70, INFINITY mengadakan Merdeka RUN dengan titik kumpul di AEON Mall BSD City, 50 mobil Ford Fiesta member INFINITY dari Jabodetabek ikut meramaikan acara ini.
Pada event ini dibuka pendaftaran on-spot dan bergabung 8 orang member baru, welcome to the family bro!

Place & time: AEON MALL BSD City, 10 a.m
Parking Point: Outdoor (depan lobby AEON Mall)
Meet point: Food Culture outdoor area.
Dress code: Uniform INFINITY (bagi yg sudah memiliki)
Start Konvoi stlh makan siang menuju SCBD, Senayan.

- MERDEKA RUN (Konvoi bersama)
- Sosialisasi ULTAH ke 5
- Pendaftaran on spot
- Pembagian Uniform, Sticker dan ID
- Lapak Merchandise


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Liputan Event IN4NITY oleh MetroTV

IN4NITY = 4 Years United in INFINITY
IN4NITY (baca: InFOURnity) adalah nama tema event INFINITY (Indonesia Ford Fiesta Community) untuk merayakan perjalanan selama 4 tahun yang diadakan di Villa Suwelogiri, Sentul, 1 Mei 2015.

Event IN4NITY diliput oleh MetroTV dari sejak Convoy sampai event di lokasi.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Merayakan perjalanan 4th menuju ultah ke 5 di bulan Des 2015.
IN4NITY Part.2 diisi dg Coach Clinic, Demo Clinic, INFINITY Garage. Untuk berbagi how to DIY merawat FF. Event ini dibuat terbuka bagi non member guna merangkul owner Ford Fiesta untuk kebersamaan dalam INFINITY.

Tgl : 1 Mei 2015

COVER CHARGE EVENT: Rp. 100.000/pax
(2x Meal + 1x snack)

T-shirt in4nity Participant event
(wajib beli dan digunakan dlm event)
Member rp. 50rb (1pc only)
Non member 75rb
*member/non peserta event kalo nambah beli tshirt 75rb
(Foto T-shirt terlampir, bahan cotton 100%, hi-quality)

Semua fee harus transfer bayar sblm event tmsk T-shirt, plg lambat tgl 20 April.
Rekening Bendahara event BCA # 2731908330 a.n Zoraya Rachmi Pratiwi
Berikan memo transfer >> Nama, No. ID / FB Group / Milis, IN4NITY.
misal: Marcellus, FB Group, IN4NITY.


RUNDOWN IN4NITY, 1 Mei 2015:
06.00 Tikum rest area cibubur km 10 (Registerasi, bagi2 kaos, daftar infinity garage, etc)
07.00 Start convoy dari Rest Area Cibubur KM 10
08.30-9.00 Tiba di Villa Suwelogiri, atur parkir peserta EBW dan Garage.
09.00-10.00 Snack time + Kata sambutan (Ketupat, Ketum & *FMI)
10.00-11.30 EO Ice breaking dan Team building Games
11.30-13.30 Istirahat, Shalat, Lunch + Pemutaran Video
13.30--15.00 acara dibawah berjalan paralel
Coach clinic (EBW Class, closed session), INFINITY Garage (closed session untuk peserta yg ikut)
Peserta lain mengikuti Demo clinic (product aplication and demo) open session
15.00-15.30 Snack time.
15.30-18.00 EO Time Fun Games
18.00-19.00 Istirahat
19.00-20.00 Dinner, penutupan event by ketupat.

INFINITY Garage - Intake cleaner Guide:
(PIC: Vannya Isabell a.k.a NYS, CJ & Charlie)
-Lepas 4 baut kotak air filter - semprot angin kompresor
-khusus FFS MAF sensor - lepas 2 baut - semprot dgn MAF cleaner
-lepas intake hose TB, semprot carb cleaner - start engine sambil di semprot ( 2org kerja) 
-bersiap check engine menyala - clear code obd2
-engine off - lepas 4busi - semprot busi pk carb cleaner - set gap

Pendaftaran di rest area Cibubur, terbatas untuk 10 mobil.

Confirmed IN4NITY Participant :
1. CJ i018 (2D+2A)
2. Ardian Setijadi i409 (1D) - EBW
3. Febry Lumbantoruan (1D) – Non ID
4. Rendro Widyatmoko i567 (2D) – EBW
5. Faisal Adrian Zein i336 (1D)
6. Pui i519 (1D)
7. Abdul Gofar i566 (1D) – EBW
8. Ihsan Fauzi i513 (1D)
9. Andes (1D) – Non ID
10. Envi i521 (1D)
11. Alexander Kevin i565 (3D)
12. Putri Yeanita i544 (2D)
13. Fenni Al Otaibi (1D) – Non ID - EBW
14. Jane Asmat (3D) - Non ID
15. David Kaliman i502 (2D)
16. Raymond S Laporan i171 (2D)
17. Astrid Yulinda i512 (1D)
18. Lina Yuslina i515 (1D)
19. Sulaeman Ucha i495 (2D+4A) 
20. Zoraya i455 (2D)
21. Esa i434 (3D)
22. Tommy i365 (1D)
23. Mahfud i350 (2D)
24. Henry Aryo i115 (2D+1A)
25. Adhitya Abrory i564 (1D)
26. Wahyu i483 (2D) 
27. Hamzah i514 (2D)
28. Hendra (1D) - non ID
29. Kusuma Agustinus i569 (2D)
30. Leonardo Sinaga (2D) - non ID
31. Heryadi Here i562 (2D)
32. Fardy i284 (1D)
33. Gani Putrandono i568 (2D)
34. Ezra i415 (1D)
35. Nys i120 (2D)
36. Charlie i153 (2D)
37. Vabel Primadana (2D) - non ID
38. Yoga Samudra Dewa i128 (2D)
39. Maurinus Radityo i424 (1D)
40. Bobby Y i509 (2D)
41. Bagus A i498 (1D)
42. Subarna (1D)
43. Dolly B S i499 (1D)
44. A. Hidayat i448 (2D)
45. Jeany i174 (1D)
46. Willy i179 (1D)

Video & Foto Dokumentasi

Convoy menuju Villa Suwelogiri, Sentul
Rules convoy simple tapi bisa dipatuhi .. good job!
1. Max Speed 100 Kmh (Kecuali Sweeper)
2. Dilarang mendahului mobil peserta convoy di depannya
3. Tidak harus memaksakan diri dalam satu barisan
4. Nyalakan lampu kecil, bukan lampu hazard.
5. Dilarang ambil bahu jalan, utamakan selamat dan etika berkendara.

Foto-Foto Event IN4NITY